Dabney-Shumate Cemetery Clean Up Tucker Civic Association is participating with the First United Methodist Church on their Great Day of Service Saturday, September 30th. Please wear appropriate clothing: long sleeves, long pants, closed toe shoes. Bring gardening tools such as rakes, clippers, shovels, etc. Be sure to label your items with your name. You may park at Northlake Church of Christ, 1625 Cooledge Rd., 0.2 mile south of the cemetery (~5 min. walk) You may register by using the QR code or by clicking this link: Registration at https://onrealm.org/TuckerFirstUnit/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=ZmZkZjk3YmItYzk0NS00Njc1LWE0ODEtYjA2YzAxMmZiZTkz |
Dabney/Shumate Cemetery Cleanup